[AWS] AWS.client.get and https

Tesson julien tesson.julien at free.fr
Tue Jan 15 22:00:38 CET 2008

Pascal Obry a écrit :
> Julien,
>> yes, it is. The maintainer is Ludovic Brenta.
> Ok, I just sent a message to him about this problem.
>> I have tried to change the project file aws.gpr that come with the 
>> debian package to use openssl instead of gnutls but I get the same error
> Hum... you can't have the same error as the error message has "TLS" in 
> it. Or you just changed the underlying libraries and this is expected to 
> fail. You need the proper Ada binding to OpenSSL.
>       for Body ("AWS.Net.SSL") use "aws-net-ssl__openssl.adb";
>> unfortunately the 'make build' from AWS causes gnat  to crash (Gnat 4.1 
>> under ubuntu gusty and debian lenny) :s
> It works fine with GNAT/GPL 2007.
>> Am I the only one who use AWS.client under debian ? O_o
> I'm using Debian but compiling my own AWS ;)
> Pascal.
I have installed gnat GPL 2007, building AWS  is now ok,
 but when linking my example using the aws.gpr file gnatlink doesn't 
find the openssl library  until I explicitly add -L/usr/lib
furthermore it can't find some aws elements :s

 gnatlink /home/julien/projet/wifiIdleProject/wifi_idle.ali  -L/usr/lib  
-laws -laws_include  -laws_ssl -lz  
-Wl,-rpath,/usr/gnat/lib/gcc/i686-pc-linux-gnu/4.1.3/adalib/ -o 
b~wifi_idle.o: In function `adainit':
b~wifi_idle.adb:(.text+0x3c4): undefined reference to 
b~wifi_idle.adb:(.text+0x3ca): undefined reference to 
b~wifi_idle.adb:(.text+0x3e8): undefined reference to `aws__config___elabb'
b~wifi_idle.adb:(.text+0x3f5): undefined reference to `aws__config__utils_E'
b~wifi_idle.adb:(.text+0x465): undefined reference to `aws__utils___elabs'
b~wifi_idle.adb:(.text+0x501): undefined reference to 
b~wifi_idle.adb:(.text+0x507): undefined reference to 
collect2: ld returned 1 exit status

any idea of what I forget ?


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