[AWS] AWS.client.get and https

Tesson julien tesson.julien at free.fr
Mon Jan 14 22:35:50 CET 2008

Pascal Obry a écrit :
> Tesson julien a écrit :
>> As someone an idea of what am I doing wrong ?
> No, it works fine for me. Which platform are you using? Which version 
> of OpenSSL ?
I use the Ubuntu(gusty) AWS package libaws2.2, and the default project 
file of this package :

project AWS is
   for Source_Dirs use ("/usr/share/ada/adainclude/aws");
   for Object_Dir use "/usr/lib/ada/adalib/aws";

   package Naming is
      --  Configuration for GNU/Linux using GNU TLS for strong crypto
      for Body ("AWS.Net.SSL") use "aws-net-ssl__gnutls.adb";
      for Body ("AWS.Net.SSL.Certificate")
        use "aws-net-ssl-certificate__gnutls.adb";
      for Body ("AWS.Net.Std") use "aws-net-std__gnat.adb";
      for Body ("AWS.OS_Lib") use "aws-os_lib__gnat.adb";
      for Body ("AWS.Translator.Conversion")
        use "aws-translator-conversion__f.adb";
      for Spec ("SSL.Thin") use "ssl-thin__gnutls.ads";
      for Spec ("Templates_Parser.Configuration")
        use "templates_parser-configuration__aws.ads";
   end Naming;

   Ada_Switches := "-laws";
   package Linker is
      for Default_Switches ("Ada") use (Ada_Switches);
   end Linker;
end AWS;
project AWS is
   for Source_Dirs use ("/usr/share/ada/adainclude/aws");
   for Object_Dir use "/usr/lib/ada/adalib/aws";

   package Naming is
      --  Configuration for GNU/Linux using GNU TLS for strong crypto
      for Body ("AWS.Net.SSL") use "aws-net-ssl__gnutls.adb";
      for Body ("AWS.Net.SSL.Certificate")
        use "aws-net-ssl-certificate__gnutls.adb";
      for Body ("AWS.Net.Std") use "aws-net-std__gnat.adb";
      for Body ("AWS.OS_Lib") use "aws-os_lib__gnat.adb";
      for Body ("AWS.Translator.Conversion")
        use "aws-translator-conversion__f.adb";
      for Spec ("SSL.Thin") use "ssl-thin__gnutls.ads";
      for Spec ("Templates_Parser.Configuration")
        use "templates_parser-configuration__aws.ads";
   end Naming;

   Ada_Switches := "-laws";
   package Linker is
      for Default_Switches ("Ada") use (Ada_Switches);
   end Linker;
end AWS;

libgnutls13 wiht SSL3 and TLS 1 support is installed.
Should I install something else ?
> Pascal.

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