[AWS] gnatlink fails with aws hello world example on debian 4.0

Andreas Schipplock andreas at schipplock.de
Wed Dec 3 20:11:11 CET 2008

Dear Ludovic Brenta,
I changed the "default.gpr": http://pastie.org/330047
But "gnatmake -v -Pdefault.gpr > bla.log 2>&1" gives me:

One more thing which is perhaps of your interest:
"ls -al /usr/lib/gnat/aws/" -> http://pastie.org/330073
"ls -al /usr/share/ada/adainclude/aws/" -> http://pastie.org/330082

I believe it's just a packaging issue of this Debian version. I
consider to set up a fresh 4.0r5 "etch" (mine is 4.0) tomorrow.

I appreciate your help, thanks!
Kind regards,
Andreas Schipplock.

On Wed, Dec 3, 2008 at 7:53 PM, Ludovic Brenta
<ludovic at ludovic-brenta.org> wrote:
> Selon Andreas Schipplock:
>> I just searched for "aws.gpr" on my whole file system because you
>> wanted to let me check that I'm using the correct "aws.gpr" and
>> indeed, I found two versions of "aws.gpr".
>> One in "/usr/share/ada/adainclude" and another in "/usr/lib/gnat".
> I think this is probably the source of the problem. You seem to have two
> versions of AWS installed. Your fix (declaring package Linker in your own
> project file) may cause additional trouble; it is possible that your
> project file sees one version of the AWS sources (and .ali files) from
> /usr/lib/gnat and then you link with a different version of the shared
> library (from Debian). Your $ADA_PROJECT_PATH may interfere further
> still; on Debian you don't normally need it because the compiler looks in
> /usr/share/ada/adainclude by default.
> I suggest you remove your package Linker from default.gpr but instead
> change the first line to use an absolute path name, i.e.
> @@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
> - with "aws.gpr";
> + with "/usr/share/ada/adainclude/aws.gpr";
>  project Default is
> Could you please try that and tell me if this resolves your problem?
> --
> Ludovic Brenta.

Kind regards,
Andreas Schipplock.

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