[AWS] On Windows, what updates path to .dll files?

Jocelyn Paine popx at j-paine.org
Fri Aug 29 15:52:56 CEST 2008

I've just built AWS on Windows XP, and tried running the hello_world.exe
file that 'make' makes. (With my directory layout and configuration
settings, this is in
c:\aws\.build\release\relocatable\demos\hello_world.exe .)

Running hello_world.exe failed, complaining that libaws_ssl.dll can't be
found.  To check this, I changed my current directory to where
libaws_ssl.dll is, which is C:\aws\.build\release\relocatable\lib\ssl\ ,
and tried running hello_world.exe again. This time, it complained that it
couldn't find libaws_include.dll .

I'm sure I can fix this by finding out where all the DLLs are and putting
them on my PATH. But I want to check first that I have to do this.
Shouldn't 'make install' have done it for me? I didn't see a mention of
those DLLs in the User Guide. And it seems inconvenient to have to work
out where all the DLLs live and to guess which ones I shall need.

Also, I shall eventually have to install the software on Windows machines
belonging to other people. Can I be sure that the AWS DLLs won't clash
with DLLs that might have the same name, but belong to other programs?


Jocelyn Paine
+44 (0)7768 534 091

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