[AWS] "with AWS;" GPS crash

Tillmann Eid t.eid at gmx.de
Tue Aug 12 20:24:10 CEST 2008


now I managed to setup, build and install AWS ..but..
when I try to make my own project by including "with AWS;" I got the 
error message from GPS...

[2008-08-12 19:58:05] The root project must have an object directory 
set, or C/C++ browsing is disabled

... without even trying to build the application. Every further action 
is blocked and all I can see on Project View is the AWS project and 
subprojects but mine does not appear!!

My project file is very simple and looks like this:

with "AWS";
project Servertest is
   for Languages use ("Ada");
   for Source_Dirs use (".\/**");
   for Main use ("dispatch.adb");
end Servertest;

(The file dispatch.adb is from the AWS-demo directory)

Now, if I try to build it with "gprbuild" it chrashes

$ gprbuild
using project file servertest.gpr
creating auto.cgpr
gcc -c dispatch.adb -o dispatch.o
gcc -c dispatch_cb.adb -o dispatch_cb.o
gprbind dispatch.bexch
gnatbind dispatch.ali
gcc -c b__dispatch.adb

Execution terminated by unhandled exception
Exception name: PROGRAM_ERROR
Call stack traceback locations:
0x51e275 0x7c9137bd 0x7c913789 0x7c91eaf8 0x4b62eb 0x4c02ca 0x4c231f 
0x4ccf94 0x
401986 0x401235 0x401286 0x7c816fd5

... no difference if I try under Windows terminal or Cygwin terminal.
Whereas building with "gnatmake" succeeds.

C:\Dokumente und Einstellungen\Tillmann Eid\Eigene 
rvertest>gnatmake -Pservertest
gnatbind -I- "-F=C:\Dokumente und Einstellungen\Tillmann Eid\Eigene 
rammierung\Ada\Servertest\GNAT-TEMP-000008.TMP" -x "C:\Dokumente und 
en\Tillmann Eid\Eigene Dateien\Programmierung\Ada\Servertest\dispatch.ali"
gnatlink "C:\Dokumente und Einstellungen\Tillmann Eid\Eigene 
ung\Ada\Servertest\dispatch.ali" -LC:\GNAT\2008\lib\aws\static -laws 
008\lib\aws\static -laws_include -LC:\GNAT\2008\lib\aws\static -laws_ssl 
AT\2008\lib\aws\static -lz -LC:\GNAT\2008\lib\aws\common -laws_win32 
008\lib\xmlada\static -lxmlada_schema -LC:\GNAT\2008\lib\xmlada\static 
dom -LC:\GNAT\2008\lib\xmlada\static -lxmlada_sax 
ic -lxmlada_input_sources -LC:\GNAT\2008\lib\xmlada\static 
-lxmlada_unicode -o "
C:\Dokumente und Einstellungen\Tillmann Eid\Eigene 

Can anyone help me with this?

Why does my project file not work with GPS ?
Why does it crash with gprbuild?

Thanks for your help!


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