[AWS] AWS.Client

Dmitriy Anisimkov anisimkov at ada-ru.org
Thu Sep 13 13:05:07 CEST 2007

Adrian Hoe 贺文耀 wrote:
>> What is the parameter Kind in the Server_Push.Register call ?
>> If you use Kind => Multipart and Content_Type = 'image/jpeg' you could
>> see the images
>> in the Firefox, Mozilla or SeaMonkey browsers.
> I don't understand this question.
See latest package AWS.Server.Push
line 99.

There is declared

   procedure Register
     (Server            : in out Object;
      Client_Id         : in     Client_Key;
      Socket            : in     Net.Socket_Type'Class;
      Environment       : in     Client_Environment;
      Init_Data         : in     Client_Output_Type;
      Init_Content_Type : in     String             := "";
      Kind              : in     Mode               := Plain;
      Duplicated_Age    : in     Duration           := Duration'Last;
      Groups            : in     Group_Set          := Empty_Group;
      Timeout           : in     Duration           :=

I guess you are using it to register the server-push clients on the
server side.
I want to know the parameter "Kind" value you are using.

> There is software running on Windows and I don't think I am going to
> invest in WIntel machines and run Windows only for that purpose. I
> want to run on my Macs which I use for my daily computing.
> Are there any other options?
I don't understand the question. AWS is a portable library.
>>> The server will send (push) continuous frames of JPEG still images to
>>> the browser giving the motion effects.
>>> According to doc, I can use Read_Some or Read to receive the JPEG
>>> frames with connection created with Server_Push => True.
>> Not to receive frames, but to read server-push stream. separation to the
>> frames is not supported for now.
>> There is simple separation method Read_Untill delimiter. But it is not
>> fit for binary data.
> Doesn't the server push the images stream frame by frame at a time?
I Do not understand the question.
> How about the comment regarding Last < Data'First or Last < Data'Last?
> Which one is correct?
   procedure Read
     (Connection : in out HTTP_Connection;
      Data       :    out Ada.Streams.Stream_Element_Array;
      Last       :    out Ada.Streams.Stream_Element_Offset);
   --  Reads data from the client's connection until Data buffer if filled
   --  or it reached the end of the response. Returns Last < Data'Last if
   --  there is no more data available in HTTP response. Connection have
   --  to be created with parameter Server_Push => True.

It is correct. It is trying to fill the buffer.

   procedure Read_Some
     (Connection : in out HTTP_Connection;
      Data       :    out Ada.Streams.Stream_Element_Array;
      Last       :    out Ada.Streams.Stream_Element_Offset);
   --  Reads any available data from the client's connection.
   --  If no data available, it will wait for some data to become
available or
   --  until it timeouts. Returns Last < Data'First when there is no data
   --  available in the HTTP response. Connection have to be created with
   --  parameter Server_Push => True.

It is correct too. It is trying to get any data portion.

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