[AWS] AWS.Client

Dmitriy Anisimkov anisimkov at ada-ru.org
Thu Sep 13 10:33:53 CEST 2007

Adrian Hoe 贺文耀 wrote:
> So far, I am able to connect to the video server and to issue simple
> control commands to the video server with AWS.Client.Create and
> AWS.Client.Get.
> I am ready to step into the second phase of exploration which is more
> difficult and most important part of the entire project. To retrieve
> JPEG images from the server.
> To retrieve the JPEG images from the server using a web browser:
>  http://xyz.com:20000/nphMotionJpeg?Resolution=320x240&Quality=Standard
> <http://xyz.com:20000/nphMotionJpeg?Resolution=320x240&Quality=Standard>
Did you see stream of changing JPEG images by the common Web Browser ?

What is the parameter Kind in the Server_Push.Register call ?
If you use Kind => Multipart and Content_Type = 'image/jpeg' you could
see the images
in the Firefox, Mozilla or SeaMonkey browsers.

Do you really need to write own application to show the JPEG-s ?
> The server will send (push) continuous frames of JPEG still images to
> the browser giving the motion effects.
> According to doc, I can use Read_Some or Read to receive the JPEG
> frames with connection created with Server_Push => True.
Not to receive frames, but to read server-push stream. separation to the
frames is not supported for now.
There is simple separation method Read_Untill delimiter. But it is not
fit for binary data.

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