[AWS] Compiling hello_world errors
Jilani Khaldi
jilani at cheapnet.it
Sat Oct 20 23:52:49 CEST 2007
> Create the following project:
> hello.gpr:
> <<
> with "aws";
> project Hello is
> for Source_Dirs use (".");
> for Object_Dir use ".";
> for Main use ("hello_world.adb");
> end Hello;
> Then just run:
> $ gnatmake -Phello
> As this has been typed directly from my mailer it has not been tested.
Ok, it works. Thank you.
Now I have 2 other questions :-)
1. the executable file "hello_world" is huge (almost 2 MB). Is there a
way to get a thinner executable, a part using upx?
2. For a canonical compilation, without using GNAT Project, how to do?
Thank you again.
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