[AWS] Building the web server "Hello World" - solved

Jilani Khaldi jilani at cheapnet.it
Thu Oct 18 13:16:03 CEST 2007

Thomas De Contes wrote:
> Le 16 oct. 07 à 23:16, Jilani Khaldi a écrit :
>> Don't bother. It has been solved.
> i have the same problem
> how did you solved it ?
Really I didn't, I have just given up :(
However, I have got AWS installed and the demos compiled under Windows 
and Linux, but I couldn't compile "hello_world.adb" alone. The docs 
don't help much. For examples the directory "components" mensioned in 
the documentation to set environment variables doesn't exist...
So "gnatmake EveryThingSet hello_wordls.adb" gave only errors.
I think the problem is caused by bad environment variables settings.

> ps 2 :
> when aws is installed,
at the root directory of GNAT compiler under Linux (/usr/gnat), and 
c:\aws under Windows.

> should demos be built, or not ?
On Windows 2k I see 18, but on Linux (Slackware 10.2) I see only 16. I 
tried some of them and they works (they are very simple), other gave errors.
If you need more detailed information, just ask.


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