[AWS] INSTALL variable

Dmitriy Anisimkov anisimkov at ada-ru.org
Wed Oct 10 07:48:38 CEST 2007

Thomas De Contes wrote:
> all what i want is to make a script in which i set INSTALL, and then  
> not have to modify makefile.conf
> my script would give INSTALL to "make",
> then "make" has to use my INSTALL, not the one from makefile.conf
you could define INSTALL variable in make command line
make setup build install INSTALL='/any/directory/you/want'
Any variables in makefile.conf could be overridden in command line like
> i've seen that, but it's not fine for me,
> i have gnat in ~/Documents/info/bin/autoinstall/gnat/ada-4.3/
> and i want aws in ~/Documents/info/bin/autoinstall/autre/

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