[AWS] Security pb

Dmitriy Anisimkov anisimkov at ada-ru.org
Fri Jan 5 17:39:09 CET 2007

frett27 at free.fr wrote:
> Hi,
> i as understand the problem (i have'nt tried to reproduce it yet) is that when
> you send a long POST request to the aws imgsvr, that has more than 3000 bytes
> and is not a multi/form.
> as i have'nt reproduce it yet i don't known if it is caused by my dev or in the
> aws layer.
> can i assume that you have not ever eared about this kind of pb ?
I do not know AWS security holes for now. But it does not guarantee its 
I see the soft testing the possible holes noted here


I installed it, and do not see the problem you told about.
Maybe I miss something. Maybe I would inverstigate AWS with this soft 
more, not sure.
If you interesting in the AWS security, you could help providing test code.
We would be much more active, if we would have AWS security broking example.

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