[AWS] Security pb

frett27 at free.fr frett27 at free.fr
Fri Jan 5 11:59:33 CET 2007

even, this is very upsetting when you focus on software quality


ps: pascal, serai il possible que je t'appelle un soir ? ça me ferai plaisir de
te connaitre.

Selon Pascal Obry <pascal at obry.net>:

> Patrice,
> > i as understand the problem (i have'nt tried to reproduce it yet) is that
> when
> > you send a long POST request to the aws imgsvr, that has more than 3000
> bytes
> > and is not a multi/form.
> I didn't pay much attention to this report. In fact I already got some
> others long time ago. But some of those tests have no meaning in the
> context of AWS which is a library and an embedded server. Yet it would
> be nice to understand this one which seems plausible !
> Pascal.
> --
> --|------------------------------------------------------
> --| Pascal Obry                           Team-Ada Member
> --| 45, rue Gabriel Peri - 78114 Magny Les Hameaux FRANCE
> --|------------------------------------------------------
> --|              http://www.obry.net
> --| "The best way to travel is by means of imagination"
> --|
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