[AWS] AWS build problem

Dmitriy Anisimkov anisimkov at ada-ru.org
Wed Jul 19 11:23:10 CEST 2006

Jessica Fléchet wrote:

> I am trying to buil AWS 2.2.0 with GPL GNAT 2006 but I have this error
> when I enter the command line "gnatmake setup":
> "setup" not found
> I have also tryed with "make setup" and the shell displaying is:
> The syntax of the command is incorrect
> The system cannot find the file specified
> c:/GNAT/GPL_2006/bin/make.exe: *** [gxmlada_dummy] error 1
> I have probably forgotten to do something. Has anyone already had this
> problem?

Do you use MSYS or CygWin tool ?

On Windows based system you need to install either the Cygwin or MSYS
toolset. This is required as the build procedure uses some UNIX tools.

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