[AWS] ld: cannot find -lz error when compiling AWS.

Alejandro R. Mosteo alejandro at mosteo.com
Fri Apr 29 11:16:17 CEST 2005

Pascal Obry wrote:
> Vincent,
>  > I took the (bad :-) habit to simply 
>  > compile AWS as part of my code using the project file sent before
>  > (i.e not have it as a separate
>  > "installed" library, that is precompiled).
>  > This worked easily in previous AWS version, and I just renamed
>  > the few .adb that I needed.
> That's indeed not a clean procedure :)

And you may face other problems in the future. I do this in a project of 
mine and (IIRC) for example the full inlining (-gnatN) will cause some 
errors when compiling it (3.15p here). If you have different settings 
for debug/release this can go unnoticed for some time.

So in practice is better if you make now the effort to follow the 
suggested procedure because it may bite you later.

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