[AWS] ld: cannot find -lz error when compiling AWS.

Vincent Tourvieille vincent at tourvieille.org
Thu Apr 28 22:10:11 CEST 2005

> edit makefile.conf then:
>    $ make build
>    $ make install

I surrendered: I did like above, however, the
 "make install" (through cygwin) 
gave a few error saying it couldn't copy some files, 

I could then link with the gnatmake command line and options as specified
in the user guide (the set-aws.cmd didn't seem to help me).

When running, it then said that it couldn't find
libeay32.dll so I manually modified the path variable to search it
in <awsroot>/lib, and then it ran fine.

Anyway, it now works !
Thanks a lot for helping !


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