[AWS] Template Parser with External server name ...

Patrice Freydiere frett27 at free.fr
Fri Oct 15 23:39:33 CEST 2004

Hi Pascal, 
Sorry for the delay ..

you're right, i'm trying to delegate a part of the url tree to an external 
hotplug module. The problem is that the hotplug module, which can be 
installed on an other machine don't know the main URL adress of the front AWS 
web server.

The host name can change depending on the host name passed from the navigator 
( internal, or external one ..). I had to keep the host name passed from the 
navigator to keep network parameters. How can i get it from hotplug module ?

Thank's for help

Le Mercredi 13 Octobre 2004 10:34, Pascal Obry a écrit :
> Patrice,
>  > for the 0.6 version of Imgsvr, i started implemented a hotplug module
>  > for Aws  .. It works fine .... but i had to pass some absolute URL in
>  > pages on hotplug  modules. The problem is that the hotplug module don't
>  > know the front aws web  server.
>  > how can i manage propely this point ?
> Not sure to understand completely your point. Anyway here is my answer, I
> would create an alias on the server side (called /images for example).
>    if URI'Length > 6 and then URI (URI'First .. URI'First + 6) = "/images"
> then ...
>    end if;
> and will use this alias in the hotplug module to reference objects under
> /images. How does it sounds ?
> Pascal.

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