[AWS] AWS segfault bug?

Ian Broster ian at broster.co.uk
Wed Aug 18 12:47:18 CEST 2004

I have come across a strange bug(?) trying to use AWS
recently. Sparse details below, I'm unsure even how to
trace the bug: segfaults in an Ada program don't happen?
Have you seen anything like this before?


AWS and the application are compiled with gnat 5.02a
on linux using a recent RH7.2 distribution of the compiler.
Simple AWS examples can be compiled and run. All
compilation is guided .gpr files.

However, adding nothing more than "with AWS.Server;" to
a large existing Ada progmam (no other languages) generates a
runtime segmentation violation. There have been no
changes to the default runtime check flags.

According to gdb the exception occurs at an address
a few instructions into a normal (nothing special)
Ada procedure in the application.

I can see nothing wrong with the application, nor
AWS. An uncaught segfault in an Ada program seems very strange to
me. Any thoughts?

Dr Ian Broster

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