[AWS] AWS.Utils.Is_Number not working ?

Florian Villoing villoing@enst.fr
Thu, 2 Oct 2003 19:08:26 +0200


On Thu, Oct 02, 2003 at 06:06:18PM +0200, Pascal Obry wrote :
> Arnaud,
>  > ----------
>  > with Ada.Text_IO;
>  > 
>  > with AWS.Utils;
>  > 
>  > procedure Ledger_Create is
>  > begin
>  >    Ada.Text_IO.Put_Line (Boolean'Image(AWS.Utils.Is_Number("5001")));
>  > end Ledger_Create;
>  > ----------
>  > On the execution, it always returns FALSE!!!!
>  > 
>  > What's wrong ? Do I need to rewrite AWS.Utils.Is_Number ??????
> I'm using GNAT 3.16a1, can somebody with 3.15p at hand confirm that this
> really answer false.

I'm using GNAT 3.15p and AWS 1.3 under Debian GNU/Linux and it seems
Arnaud'procedure is working just well.

longhair[jeu oct 02 19:00:26]
~/test $ gnatmake -I/home/longhair/opt/AWS/include
-I/home/longhair/opt/AWS/components/ ledger_create.adb 

longhair[jeu oct 02 19:02:12]
~/test $ ./ledger_create 

But I've no explainations for Arnaud's issue.



     -- Florian Villoing --
     --                  --
     --  Telecom Paris   --