[AWS] AWS.Utils.Is_Number not working ?

Arnaud Rolly arnaud.rolly@eikonex.net
Thu, 2 Oct 2003 17:06:25 +0200

I'm still seeking my "invalid port" exception problem.  I traced the code, and 
i found something strange with AWS.Utils.Is_Number :

with Ada.Text_IO;

with AWS.Utils;

procedure Ledger_Create is
		Ada.Text_IO.Put_Line (Boolean'Image(AWS.Utils.Is_Number("5001")));
end Ledger_Create;
On the execution, it always returns FALSE!!!!

What's wrong ? Do I need to rewrite AWS.Utils.Is_Number ??????

Arnaud Rolly <arnaud.rolly@eikonex.net>
Eikonex - Open Source Engineering  (http://www.eikonex.net)