[AWS] Exception on URL parsing
Arnaud Rolly
Thu, 2 Oct 2003 16:34:41 +0200
I've the following code, to do a SOAP action :
procedure Ledger_Create is
-- Build the SOAP parameters
Params : SOAP.Parameters.List := +S ("2003", "name");
-- Build the SOAP payload (the procedure name and the associated
Payload : SOAP.Message.Payload.Object := SOAP.Message.Payload.Build
("ledger_create", Params);
-- Call the SOAP Web Service
Resp : constant SOAP.Message.Response.Object'Class := SOAP.Client.Call
("http://XXXX.eikonex.net:50001/soap", Payload);
-- Get the reply
Resp_Params : Soap.Parameters.List := SOAP.Message.Parameters (Resp);
Status : constant Integer := SOAP.Parameters.Get (Resp_Params,
Ada.Text_IO.Put_Line ("status " & Integer'Image (Status));
end Ledger_Create;
On execution, an exception is raised :
raised AWS.URL.URL_ERROR : Wrong URL: (http://XXXX.eikonex.net:50001/soap)
Port is not valid.
I must miss the point, but i don't understand : the URL is valid, no ?
I'm using GNAT 3.15p with the last AWS public release.
Arnaud Rolly <arnaud.rolly@eikonex.net>
Eikonex - Open Source Engineering (http://www.eikonex.net)