[AWS] Is cygwin needed on windows?

Dmitriy Anisimkov anisimkov@omsknet.ru
Fri, 30 May 2003 19:10:02 +0700

Alejandro. R. Mosteo Chagoyen wrote:
> A post from the other day has caused me a doubt. Someone said that to
> build AWS you need to do a unix-like make. Now, my question is if is
> enough with the one which comes with the default install of Gnat 3.15p
> on windows or you need cygwin.

The current AWS build process require unix shell.
The most popular unix shell for Windows is cygwin and MSYS http://www.mingw.org/msys.shtml.

I prefer MSYS for build, but cygwin have a more tools, MSYS does not have cvs for example, but cygwin has.
MSYS is faster, but cygwin has more tools.

> I remember I tried some time ago to do a build without cygwin, but it
> failed (I think it complaint about not being capable of creating
> process rm or cp). What I did was to include all AWS source folders in
> my makefile and manually rename the few files that were with alternate
> implementations. It seemed to work OK.

Of couse it is possible to have different AWS build process, just for
Windows, but current one is most portable.

> However, today I changed a compiler option (specifically, added
> -gnata) and started to get assertion fails in Aws.Client.adb:238, and

It is an AWS error (not dangerous).

You could fix it in your AWS copy

*** aws-client.ads      19 Mar 2003 10:42:37 -0000      1.35
--- aws-client.ads      30 May 2003 12:01:53 -0000
*** 352,358 ****
       Proxy         : Unbounded_String;
       Proxy_URL     : AWS.URL.Object;
       Auth          : Authentication_Set;
!       Opened        : Boolean;
       Persistent    : Boolean;
       Server_Push   : Boolean;
       SOAPAction    : Unbounded_String;
--- 352,358 ----
       Proxy         : Unbounded_String;
       Proxy_URL     : AWS.URL.Object;
       Auth          : Authentication_Set;
!       Opened        : Boolean := False;
       Persistent    : Boolean;
       Server_Push   : Boolean;
       SOAPAction    : Unbounded_String;

Or just to do not use -gnata