[AWS] GET Form and Database

anders.wirzenius@wartsila.com anders.wirzenius@wartsila.com
Mon, 2 Jun 2003 14:32:31 +0300

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Dmitriy Anisimkov [mailto:anisimkov@omsknet.ru]=20
> Sent: Monday, June 02, 2003 10:57 AM
> To: AWS mail list
> Subject: Re: [AWS] GET Form and Database
> DUCOS Fr=E9d=E9ric wrote:
> > Into a callback function, I try to connect to a database (ODBC) in=20
> > order to check user/pwd from an user form (in GET method) but the=20
> > server does not response to the client (TimeOut). However, in an=20
> > independant program, this code (concerning database) run in=20
> 1 second.
> >=20
> > Anybody knows a solution on this problem ?
> I see you are connecting to the DB each call to callback.
> I propose you to have a connection allready opened before use=20
> it in the callback. It is better to have protected pool=20
> (container) of DB connections.

Since you comment on the DB connection, I want to ask further about DB =
connections, namely Oracle DB connections:

David Botton mentioned once that Oracle has a feature where the table is =
exclusively locked when you execute a query. I have got error messages =
when two or more users concurrently have accessed the same intranet page =
(Gwindows + Apache, not AWS) and started concurrent queries from the =
same tables.=20
I got rid of the messages by just closing the recordset and connection. =
The user gets nothing but the human behaviour is to click once again and =
avot, he gets his results since the previous user=B4s connection has =
been closed.

Have you experienced similar behaviour of Oracle?
