[AWS] GET Form and Database

Dmitriy Anisimkov anisimkov@omsknet.ru
Mon, 02 Jun 2003 14:56:58 +0700

DUCOS Frédéric wrote:
> Into a callback function, I try to connect to a database (ODBC) in order to check user/pwd from an user form (in GET method) but the server does not response to the client (TimeOut).
> However, in an independant program, this code (concerning database) run in 1 second.
> Anybody knows a solution on this problem ?

I see you are connecting to the DB each call to callback.
I propose you to have a connection allready opened before use it in the callback.
It is better to have protected pool (container) of DB connections.

> package body Cgtp_Cb is
>    use Aws;
>    function Get (
>          Request : in     Status.Data ) 
>      return Response.Data is 
>       if URI = "/auth-form" then
>          declare
>             Cgtp  : aliased Databases.Database;  
>             Query : Databases.Select_Statement (5);  
>             Login    : String (1 .. 15);  
>             Password : String (1 .. 30);  
>             Nom      : String (1 .. 50);  
>             Prenom   : String (1 .. 50);  
>             Niveau   : Positive;  
>          begin
>             Databases.Connect (Cgtp, "cgtp", "test", "test");