[AWS] Building AWS 1.4 on Windows XP Pro

Florian Villoing lonely_dwarf@yahoo.fr
Mon, 01 Dec 2003 21:54:25 +0100

Alex Watkins wrote:
> Pascal & Florian
> Thanks to your help this now works fine. I updated xmlada, desisted from 
> altering the makefile and didn't try building the docs. I've not built 
> anything yet but the install returned no errors.

cool ;-)

> The reason I was trying to build the docs was that my previous failed 
> build attempts had created a blank aws.html file, and I assumed that I'd 
> need to build the docs to be able to read them.

I encountered problems building the doc too. But It's not that awfull 
since you can get the doc on-line. Check http://libre.act-europe.fr/aws/
AWS-1.4 doc is available in HTML, PDF, and .PS

Good reading.

> Many thanks
> Alex

You're welcome
