[AWS] Some questions

Ted Dennison dennison@ssd.fsi.com
Thu, 31 Oct 2002 08:50:12 -0600

Francisco wrote:

> First: I have designed a web page that includes frames so my page is 
> related to 3 other pages (3 frames). I have inserted the html code of 
> a simple page (with no frames) in the source code of the server and 
> the server goes ok. I can see this page in the browser. But when I 
> insert a page with frames I can't see it in the browser. Does AWS 
> support frames?
AWS just serves up the text that your program tells it to (using the 
HTTP protocol over TCP/IP). It doesn't know or care what the contents 
are. If the text (presumably HTML) you put in it isn't being properly 
rendered in your browser as you would expect it to be, then the problem 
is either with your HTML or your browser.

My general suggestion to anyone writing HTML is to treat it as a 
programming language, for which the compiler is http://validator.w3.org/ 
. Don't expect raw unchecked HTML to work perfectly any more than you'd 
expect fresh Ada sources to compile and run perfectly on the first 
compilation attempt. I've found that getting your HTML to run through 
the validator without errors or warnings will rid you of about %90 of 
all browser presentation problems (and all the nastiest ones). I'd be 
willing to wadger that the validator will find more than 10 errors in 
your HTML source, if it can even process it (you *do* have a doctype 
tag, right?)

A further suggestion would be to limit yourself to HTML 4.01 *strict* 
for all future work. This attitude seems excessive to many in the 
web-design world I'm sure, but it should be comfortable ground for 
anyone who is an Ada user. HTML 4.01's spec is at 
http://www.w3.org/TR/html401/ . It should be treated as HTML's 
equivalent to the ARM, just like the validator is HTML's equivalent to 
your Ada compiler.

T.E.D.   Work     -  mailto:dennison@ssd.fsi.com
         Home     -  mailto:dennison@telepath.com (Yahoo: Ted_Dennison)
         Homepage -  http://www.telepath.com/~dennison/Ted/TED.html

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