[AWS] Mandrake Linux 8.2 gcc-3.1 ada aws

David Marceau davidmarceau@sympatico.ca
Sat, 08 Jun 2002 11:53:53 -0400

How can I code hello_world to bind to all 3 ports using the aws

>  > Celà dit j'ai encore des problèmes mais je peux le faire rouler
>  > hello_world quand même  :)
> Good.
I was very lucky to run hello_world considering my build.adb in the docs
directory didn't :)

> Don't understand the problem here ?
OK considering hello_world is working.
I do a lynx localhost:8080 
then it connects no problem.

Ok I created three helloworlds with different ports 80, 8000, 8080
and renamed them

lynx localhost:80
lynx localhost:8000
lynx localhost:8080
lynx omac.darktech.org:80
lynx omac.darktech.org:8000
lynx omac.darktech.org:8080
and they worked.

Then with no port specified
lynx omac.darktech.org
This only works on hello_world80.

THE PROBLEM I am attempting to solve
I went to the www.netcraft.net to check out to see if it detects aws.
Search results for omac.darktech.org
Found 0 site

What gives?  Can anyone tell me what ports netcraft is scanning to
detect hello_world?

Just to be curious I then ran all three 
hello_world80 &
hello_world8000 &
hello_world8080 &

Then went back to www.netcraft.net
entered omac.darktech.org
It worked.

Concerning the building of the aws documentation,
My tex stuff is properly installed.  I even have the japanese enabled
tex installed.
What is really cool is being able to edit using emacs a text file
containing english, japanese and french text :)

I discovered my build.adb gave me a segmentation fault.  
I built the build.adb with -g then I also discovered that gcc-3.1 ada
does not build gnatgdb.
This means I need to go get the gdb which is compatible with gcc-3.1
I'll need to find this and configure it.

> All errors here are ignored (due to documentation not built).
I am willing to help out for the documentation.
I like to write recipes for stuff.  I find the more people that know how
to use 
ada and its other tools such as aws the better.

If ever anybody wants me to test something with aws and gcc31 feel free
to hollar.

Santé bonheur,
David Marceau