[AWS] Soap, a replacement for Corba?

Jeremy Cowgar develop@cowgar.com
07 Jun 2002 13:23:16 -0400


I am curious how Soap compares to Corba, not in functionality, but in 
programming and especially in speed. One of the upcoming projects is
going to require a GUI front end to a remote server of some sorts. I was
originally thinking of a multi-teired system

GUI (GtkAda)-> (internet via Corba) -> Corba server product (ADA) ->

but I am wondering if Soap via AWS would be a better way of doing it:

GUI (GtkAda) -> (internet via Soap) -> AWS server product -> PostgreSQL

The reason I am interested is in this is that #1 I can use SSL via the
Internet link (which will soon (Sep 2002) be mandated by US gov for all
medical information via public network) and #2, a cross platform, cross
language protocol.

Can anyone give me input?

