[AWS] How to detect an AWS server has been killed?

Dmitriy Anisimkov anisimkov@omsknet.ru
Thu, 29 Aug 2002 23:13:55 +0700

Also, you could start both servers on the same computer.
But you should made a bit modification in the aws-server.adb for it.

After the

      --  Initialize the server socket


Add the

     (Socket =>  Accepting_Socket,
      Optname => SO_REUSEADDR
      Optval  => 1);

> >    I am writing my server with AWS.  This server (server 1) sends
> > forms to the client browser. Apart from this server, I have
> > other server (server 2) which can replace the server 1. When the
> > server 1 is killed the message "netscape is
> > unable to locate the server..." is shown on the client browser. How
> > can the server 2 get this message before the client browser ?
> The situation you are describing IMHO is a small part of what is called
> the "failover" mechanism.
> The problem itself you are describing IMHO does not reside in AWS code
> or your code for that matter.
> Check out this open-source which is exactly what you want to do:
> http://www.vergenet.net/linux/fake/