[AWS] How to know the server has dead?

emartel@cic.teleco.ulpgc.es emartel@cic.teleco.ulpgc.es
Mon, 5 Aug 2002 15:24:57 +0100


  I'm starting to use AWS. I am just wondering how to know if the 
AWS server has dead before the message "Netscape is unable to 
locate the server ..."? Is there any exception or a function to detect 
it before the message is shown on the client side?

		Best regards,

Ernestina Martel Jordan
Dpto. de Ingenieria Telematica
Despacho 211. Pabellon C.
Campus Universitario de Tafira, s/n              
35017 Las Palmas de Gran Canaria. Spain
Fax:+34 928 451243  Tfno.:+34 928 452876