[University] Broken links on AdaCore University website

Pierre-Marie de Rodat derodat at adacore.com
Fri Feb 16 17:23:41 CET 2018

Hello Paul,

On 02/15/2018 12:26 PM, Paul Jackson wrote:
> Dear AdaCore U,
> on page
>    http://university.adacore.com/papers/
> the "Ada for C++ or Java Developer” link needs updating from
>     http://www.adacore.com/knowledge/technical-papers/ada-for-the-c-or-java-developer/
> to
>    https://www.adacore.com/books/ada-for-the-c-or-java-developer
> Also the "Safe and Secure Software: An Invitation to Ada 2012” link similarly needs updating.

This is duly noted, we will fix these dead links as soon as possible. 
Thank you for reporting this!


Pierre-Marie de Rodat

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