[University] Error in AdaCore University Home Courses Ada 003 - Programming in the Large Type Safety

digitig digitig at gmail.com
Sun Jun 25 02:14:16 CEST 2017

There is an error in quiz question 5 of Home  Courses  Ada 003 -
Programming in the Large  Type Safety.

According to the quiz, there is no error in the code:
   subtype T is Integer range 1 .. Integer'Last;
   V1: Integer := 0;
   V2: T := V1;
The value of V1 is not in the range of T, so this code gives a compiler
warning and would raise a runtime error.

The quiz says that only one thing has changed in the code from question
4, but two things have changed: the addition of "subtype" and the change
in the range.


Tim Rowe
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