[University] Contact from AdaCore University

Daniel Garrido dgarrido at lcc.uma.es
Thu Oct 27 09:05:07 CEST 2016

Dear Sir/Madam,


My university is participating in the Ada core academic program.

I have seen your courses related to Ada and SPARK and they seem very


In the following link, we have found support library that works under


It includes a library gnat_sdl, which is very useful for simple exercises.
Some of my students have asked if a Linux version is available. I am
wondering if you have this version or if you could provide me with some
instructions (or contact person) to build it and using on Linux.


Best regards,




Daniel Garrido Márquez

Departamento de Lenguajes y Ciencias de la Computación 

E.T.S. Ingeniería Informática

Universidad de Málaga. España

29071 Málaga. Spain 

Telef. 34-95-2131401

Fax. 34-95-2131397 

E-mail: dgarrido at lcc.uma.es

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