[University] slight incoherency in first labs description

Cyrille Comar comar at adacore.com
Thu May 21 16:56:26 CEST 2015

(I'm not too sure where to report this so I try the public mailinglist...)

The description of "stars" says:  This will cover courses from Basic 
Concepts to Software Architecture.
But there is no "Software Architecture" course. Shouldn't it be 
"Programming in the Large" instead?

This will cover courses from Basic Concepts to Software Architecture - 
See more at: http://university.adacore.com/labs/stars/#sthash.Ez4CjlJB.dpuf
This will cover courses from Basic Concepts to Software Architecture - 
See more at: http://university.adacore.com/labs/stars/#sthash.Ez4CjlJB.dpuf

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