[University] maybe an error

Itits Asecret itisasecret999 at gmail.com
Fri Apr 24 18:08:50 CEST 2015

Dear Quentin Ochem,

According to slide 28 of
the below code is correct, because
"T is a subtype of Integer. Therefore, V1 and V2 are of the same type"

procedure weirdada is
  subtype T is Integer range 1 .. Integer'Last;
  V1 : Integer := 0;
  V2 : T := V1;

But what is the purpose of a range declaration if I am allowed violate it?
My thinking seems correct, since there is a warning at compiletime,
and an exception at runtime.

$ ./gnat-gpl-2014-x86-linux-bin/bin/gnatmake weirdada.adb
gcc -c weirdada.adb
weirdada.adb:4:19: warning: value not in range of type "T" defined at line 2
weirdada.adb:4:19: warning: "Constraint_Error" will be raised at run time
gnatbind -x weirdada.ali
gnatlink weirdada.ali

$ ./weirdada
raised CONSTRAINT_ERROR : weirdada.adb:4 range check failed

Is the slide incorrect, or am I misunderstanding something?

Thanks in advance, Peter.

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