[University] End of line

Osmanys Fuentes Lombá osmanys at cies.cu
Wed Nov 26 14:25:46 CET 2014

Hello, I have a problem with End_Of_Line procedre from Text_IO package, 
I'm trying to read and copy a file into a buffer (Gtk_Text_Buffer) but 
the loop:
while not End_Of_File loop
   while not End_Of_Line loop
runs endless. I get character by character, supposing that I can get the 
EOL character and test:
if C = ASCII.LF or C = ASCII.CR then
but this test always returns FALSE, so, I guess the Get procedure from 
Text_IO don't return end of line character. Someone please help me, how 
I can do this task?

Best regards, Osmanys Fuentes.


Lic. C. Físicas Osmanys Fuentes Lombá

Dpto. Termoconversión

Centro de Investigación de Energía Solar

Santiago de Cuba

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