[PolyORB-users] Value type

Thomas Quinot quinot at adacore.com
Thu Feb 21 18:01:04 CET 2013

* Frédéric Praca, 2013-02-21 :

> > Of course if you have a need for this feature within a specific
> > project timeframe please feel free to contact sales at adacore.com to
> > discuss terms for a formal development contract.
> It was just more for a proof of concept than anything else and more on
> my spare time than on job time :)

Understood. Note that we are also always happy to review contributions
from external users, so if you would like to take a shoot at
implementing the missing bits and pieces, feel free to as well!

Thomas Quinot, Ph.D. ** quinot at adacore.com ** Senior Software Engineer
               AdaCore -- Paris, France -- New York, USA

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