[PolyORB-users] including a library in a po_gnatdist compilation

Jesse Lang jlang at singo1.com
Wed Jul 18 17:20:11 CEST 2012


Create a project file as you normally would for a non-distributed 

Then add a section to the project file:

package Dsa is
     for Configuration_File use "config.cfg";
end Dsa;

You then call po_gnatdist using the project file:

po_gnatdist -Pdsa_program.gpr config.cfg partition_name

I hope that's helpful.

On 07/18/2012 05:10 AM, Tony Gair wrote:
> I am using gpr files to define where I include stuff from. Say I had a 
> client partition which used gtkada , I am wondering how I would 
> include the gtkada.gpr in my po_gnatdist config.cfg so that my 
> compilation could be done correctly. Is this possible?
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