[PolyORB-users] Event Service

Ricardo Aguirre el.mastin at ymail.com
Wed Jan 25 23:14:28 CET 2012

I'm developing a system that intercommunicate ada subsystem and java subsystem using corba
I want to use the publish subscribe paradigm... the classic push model

To develop my system I plan to use Polyorb and its services; Naming Service and Event Service or Notification Service

I have a doubt about CORBA implementations, I mean I know that CORBA is just an specification and each product like POLYORB implements that specification and let ada programmers use CORBA inside ada programs. 
But I was looking that ORBD included in the current jdk distribution doesn't implement the Event Service; so I thought that I can not use cos_Event_Service inside java programs.

So my doubt is:
If I use, in my ada subsystem side, Event Service to implement Publisher code. (like type event sample)
In my java subsystem side, Subscriber code. Can I use  Event Service also knowing that  this service is not implemented by orbd?
I'm using polyorb for  Naming Service.

Thank you.

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