[PolyORB-users] xe_front.adb:547 - SYSTEM.ASSERTIONS.ASSERT_FAILURE

"Frank Jørgen Jørgensen" frankjj at broadpark.no
Wed Aug 25 22:00:39 CEST 2010

I have installed GNAT:
GNATMAKE GPL 2010 (20100603)
GNATDIST GPL 2010-20100603 (rev. 160601)
on Windows 7, using Cygwin (latest version)
With DSA to enable Distributed Annex E (and debug enabled)

After some tweaking (the normal tweaking) the configure and make all install seems to execute normal.
I get the executables po_gnatdist, po_cos_naming and so on.

Now I try my old project that compiled on previous version of PolyORB / Windows XP / Cygwin (older revision I think but that PC is for repairs at the moment)

The executable PO_GNATDIST failes very early in the process:

C:\Ada\Seabattle>po_gnatdist seabattle.cfg
Execution terminated by unhandled exception
Message: xe_front.adb:547
Call stack traceback locations:
0x456a69 0x4184e2 0x451950 0x402db1 0x4017da 0x4010b4 0x401146 0x76cb3675 0x7772
9d40 0x77729d13

I have tried to comment lines from the configuration file without managing to close in to what element is creating this problem.

This is the configuration file:

configuration seabattle is

   pragma Version (False);

   pragma Starter (None);

--   pragma Boot_Location ("tcp", "localhost:5557");

   seabattle_client : Partition := (Client); --, MyClient);
   procedure main_client;
   for seabattle_client'Main use main_client;

   -- This partition is the authentic server partition
   seabattle_server : Partition := (Server.Remote, Server.Remote.ActionBroker);
   procedure main_server is in seabattle_server;
   for seabattle_server'Task_Pool use (1, 1, 1);
   for seabattle_client'Task_Pool use (1, 1, 1);
--   for seabattle_client'Host use "localhost";
   for seabattle_server'Host use "localhost";

   for seabattle_server'Termination use Local_Termination;
   for seabattle_client'Termination use Local_Termination;
end seabattle;

Any proposals to what is causing this?


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