[PolyORB-users] Installation failure: Ada compiler is not working.

Allison Beh 馬慶盈 alliraph at gmail.com
Wed Sep 9 09:59:36 CEST 2009

:) :) :)
Done! Thank you so much for your close attention and help!

2009/9/9 Jérôme Hugues <hugues at telecom-paristech.fr>

> Le 9 sept. 09 à 09:31, Allison Beh 馬慶盈 a écrit :
>  Yes, the PATH was not updated.
> ;)
>  Now there is another problem arises:
>> building static library for project src
>> ar cr /Users/kheng-yinbeh/polyorb-gpl-2009-src/lib/libpolyorb.a
>> /Users/kheng-yinbeh/polyorb-gpl-2009-src/src/csupport.o ...
>> ranlib: archive member:
>> /Users/kheng-yinbeh/polyorb-gpl-2009-src/lib/libpolyorb.a(polyorb-annotations.o)
>> cputype (16777223) does not match previous archive members cputype (7) (all
>> members must match)
> You did a first compilation with a gcc for i686. You're now using gcc for
> x86_64. I guess you have some object files  that are for i686, some others
> for x86_64. This causes this mismatch
> First, you need to delete all object files from the first compilation (make
> clean), then redo the compilation
> (./configure && make)
> --
> Jérôme Hugues, TELECOM ParisTech
> http://www.telecom-paristech.fr/~hugues

Best regards,
Allison Kheng-Yin Beh
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