[PolyORB-users] Installation failure: Ada compiler is not working.

Jérôme Hugues hugues at telecom-paristech.fr
Mon Sep 7 08:28:59 CEST 2009

Le 7 sept. 09 à 06:03, Allison Beh 馬慶盈 a écrit :

> Yes, your suggestion does help. Thank you so much. I've modified the  
> path sequence and now I can configure the package. Yet there is  
> another problem pops out when I executed % make. The compilation was  
> abandoned and gnatmake made an error message:
> compilation abandoned
> gnatmake: "/Users/kheng-yinbeh/polyorb-gpl-2009-src/src/polyorb- 
> references-ior.adb" compilation error
> make: *** [src.gpr] Error 4
> I've attached the log file. Kindly review it. Thanks a lot.

config.log does not help here
you have the answer to your questions in the 10 lines before  
"compilation abandoned"
Can I see them ?

but this is surprising since I compile PolyORB with GCC (from the FSF)  
4.3.0 every night, on PPC
I don't know the content of the macada distribution. So I cannot tell  

Since you downloaded PolyORB GPL 2009, I highly recommend you use also  
GNAT GPL 2009.

Jérôme Hugues, TELECOM ParisTech

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