[PolyORB-users] Problems running DSA example Echo

Rob Groen robgr at xs4all.nl
Sun Feb 1 14:19:01 CET 2009


Platform WinXP-SP3, GNAT GPL 2008, PolyOrb 2.4.0, compiled using Cygwin

I managed to get the DSA Echo example compiled (thanks to Thomas Quinot) 
but now the example won't run.
I have tried the following:
1) I have 2 Cygwin shells running, one with po_cos_naming, the other to 
run Echo
2) I used the output from po_cos_naming to set 
3) I have my firewall set up to notify me when a new program wants IP-access
4) At the prompt of the 2nd shell I do ./client
5) the firewall notifies me of a new program (client.exe); I grant it access
6) immediately after granting access, client.exe fails with a 
CONSTRAINT_ERROR: "raised CONSTRAINT_ERROR : polyorb-references.adb:415 
explicit raise"
7) next, the firewall notifies me that server_partition.exe wants 
access; I grant it access
8) the 2nd Cygwin shell outputs: system.partition_interface: Cannot 
retrieve information for RCI Polyorb.Dsa_P.Partitions from name server.
raised SYSTEM.RPC.COMMUNICATION_ERROR : s-parint.adb:1712

I have tried both outputs from po_cos_naming, the long string of digits, 
and the readable output to set the env var. No difference in result

In a MSDOS-box, however things are different
1) with no POLYORB_DSA_NAME_SERVICE env var set the firewall notifies me 
of a new program, I grant access and then nothing happens, no 
CONSTRAINT_ERROR, no attempt to start the server_partition
2) with POLYORB_DSA_NAME_SERVICE env var set to the output value of 
po_cos_naming the same happens: the firewall notifies me of a new 
program, I grant access and then nothing happens, no CONSTRAINT_ERROR, 
no attempt to start the server_partition

Then I tried another approach (using MSDOS boxes)
1) I have 3 DOS boxes, one running po_cos_naming, an two intended for 
the client and server partitions respectively
2) I start the client in the 2nd box and the server in the 3rd.
2) setting POLYORB_DSA_NAMING_SERVICE to the readable output gives the 
following output in the po_cos_naming DOS-box:
    cosnaming.namingcontext: look for "AAAA 
polyorb.dsa_p.partitions        RCI;"
this is repeated 11 times; after that the server partition failes with 
the above mentioned exception
3) when using the long form for the env var the server_partition failes 
as well, with the same exception. However, po_cos_naming does not 
respond in a visible way in the 1st box
3) the DOS-box running the client_partition gives no sign of life...
4) reverting the order in which I start client and server makes no sense 
to me because the server fails

The above is the same, no matter if the example is build in a Cygwin 
shell or in a DOS-box (both using po_gnatdist)

I have run out of options . Someone else has a good idea?

(sorry for not being terse, but thought it better to give all the info I 


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