[PolyORB-users] PolyORB installation error

Alina-Mihaela Radu Alina-Mihaela.Radu at univ-savoie.fr
Thu May 29 11:01:10 CEST 2008


This is my first post in the list. I'm trying to compile and install Polyorb.
I use 

The configuration works fine, I don't receive any errors after ./configure and make, but when I try to install it, I receive:
$ sudo make install
cd compilers/gnatprfh ; \
	  gnatmake -m \
	   gnatprfh \
	   -gnat05 \
	   -g -O2 -XBuild=PRODUCTION  -gnatyg -gnatwae \
	   -I/home/alina/Desktop/dep/polyorb-src/compilers/gnatprfh \
gcc-4.2 -c -gnat05 -g -O2 -gnatyg -gnatwae -I/home/alina/Desktop/dep/polyorb-src/compilers/gnatprfh gnatprfh.adb
gnat1: bad -gnaty switch (invalid style switch:g)
gnatmake: "gnatprfh.adb" compilation error
make: *** [build-gnatprfh] Error 4

I haven't been using Linux for a long time some I'm kind of a newbie, I use Ubuntu Hardy Heron 32 bits.
I would appreciate some help or suggestions.
Thank you very much!

Alina Radu

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