[PolyORB-users] Understanding CORBA packages

Maciej Sobczak prog at msobczak.com
Thu May 15 16:52:34 CEST 2008


The example server code contains the following:

      Root_POA := PortableServer.POA.Helper.To_Local_Ref
         (CORBA.ORB.To_CORBA_String ("RootPOA")));

The thing that bothers me is that CORBA.ORB does not define 
To_CORBA_String. Also, the expected type for Resolve_Initial_References 
is CORBA.ORB.ObjectId and there is no function providing relevant 
Yet, the above compiles fine.

I would rather expect the following:

      Root_POA := PortableServer.POA.Helper.To_Local_Ref
         (CORBA.ORB.ObjectId (CORBA.To_CORBA_String ("RootPOA"))));

Could you please explain the above?


Maciej Sobczak * www.msobczak.com * www.inspirel.com

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