[PolyORB-users] Limiting the number of connections at the server side

Maciej Sobczak prog at msobczak.com
Wed Jun 25 15:24:50 CEST 2008


Jérôme Hugues wrote:

>> I'm looking for a way to make the connection pool limited.
> For now there is no such policy

>> 5. Any other solution?

> 6. ensure your clients close the connections when they no longer use it
> It looks like your client just spawns, sends a requests, then no longer 
> interact, so you may
> do a proper clean up of the system by calling CORBA.ORB.Shutdown

The clients continue interacting with *other* servers during their whole 
lifetime, so it is not feasible to shut down their ORBs.

I would prefer to solve this problem at the server side, since this 
gives a single point of intervention.

One heavy-handed solution I can think of is to shut down the... server's 
ORB perdiodically, so that *all* its connections are closed. Then the 
server can reinitialize and continue working, even without losing its 
state in the meantime.
Committing a "communication suicide" at the server side is a bit risky 
and I hoped for some more lightweight solution.


Maciej Sobczak * www.msobczak.com * www.inspirel.com

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