[PolyORB-users] Activate_Object_With_Id

Marcelo Coraça de Freitas mfreitas at ydeasolutions.com.br
Thu Jul 3 00:15:10 CEST 2008

Hello there,

I'm in doubt on how to use Activate_Object_With_Id in PolyORB.

Every example I've found in the internet on how to use it consists on
the following steps:

Creating a POA with the following Policies:
	LifespanPolicy          => PERSISTENT
	IdAssignmentPolicy      => USER_ID
	RequestProcessingPolicy => USE_ACTIVE_OBJECT_MAP_ONLY

Run Activate_Object_With_Id on the created POA.

But when I try to create the POA with this policy I get the
PortableServer.POA.InfalidPolicy exception.

Thus I suppose this policy isn't implemented in PolyORB. Then my
question: how can I use this method? What am I missing?

Also, is it possible to register an object in such a way I can access it
'corbaloc:iiop:1.2 at localhost:2809/the_poa/some_object'

instead with those ugly IDs I get when activating it in the usual way?


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