[PolyORB-users] Error compilation

Mohamed Oussama Hassan hassan at lil.univ-littoral.fr
Fri Oct 19 12:09:15 CEST 2007


i was compiling polyorb, but a message indicate an error while compiling 
'ada_be-expansion.adb' due to a missing file 'idl_fe-tree.ads'.
it seems that  '/idl_fe-tree.ada/' was not generated, and therefore the 
files '/idl_fe-tree.ads' and '//idl_fe-tree.adb'

/so i tried to debug the makefile in the /compilers/idlac/ directory
i reproduce manually the command at the line 453
   / python make_nodes.py nodes.txt > idl_fe-tree.ada

/so it genereted the idl_fe-tree.ada

and then the command at the next line
   /gnatchop// -w idl_fe-tree.ada

/so it generated the /ads/ and /adb /files

and now the compilation work normally.

just i wanted to inform you. i don't know if that is due to my system 
configuration, or it is normal ??


Mohamed Oussama HASSAN

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