[PolyORB-users] Close connection message

anang prihatanto anang29p at yahoo.com
Tue Mar 27 04:20:59 CEST 2007

I found some interesting things.

> How does the omniORB server come to the conclusion
> it should close  
> the connection ?
If there is idle socket connection. It scans existings
connection to choose which connection might be closed.

> Which version of omniORB are you using ?
>  From the omniORB's documentation, it seems posible
> to disable BiDir  
> GIOP, which
> might be a workaround for you
This is a good hint. I did find a way to prevent
omniORB server from screening and closing idle
connection. This is practical solution. since there
will be only few clients. 

I suppose you had read my previous mail reply. In the
reply, I said a pair of echo client-server could run
very well. I've already got the explanation. First,
the situation is totally different. echo client-server
test didn't involve Naming Service. Second, close
connection message was always sent from port 2809 -
which was used by the omniORB Naming Service. 

So I came up with conclusion that it is omniORB Naming
Service which does the idle connection scanning and
closes it down when deemed necessary. As you said it
is possible to prevent the omniORB Naming Service from
doing this. So I made the naming service that way. And
the result confirmed my conclusion above.

Thanks for the hints.

Anang Prihatanto

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