[PolyORB-users] [Fwd: Re: omniORB-4.1.0-beta1/src/examples/call_back/echo_callback.idl]

Jerome Hugues hugues at infres.enst.fr
Tue Feb 21 13:22:26 CET 2006

Oliver Kellogg a écrit :
> Hi,
> I believe I've bumped into a mapping problem, see attached IDL file.

I do not understand what you mean, I just tried with PolyORB latest 
wavefront and cb-server.ads just compiled fine (simply run idlac, idlac 
- i to generate implementation stubs, then gnatmake -c *.ad?).

Can you please provide the line in cb-server.ads ? polyorb version, etc? 
see docs/PROBLEM-REPORT-FORM for more details about the information to 

>> cb-server.ads:22:15: formal parameter "cb" cannot be used before end of
>> specification
>> cb-server.ads:30:15: formal parameter "cb" cannot be used before end of
>> specification

here are the "offending lines", which compiles fine at home

    procedure one_time
      (Self : in Ref;
       c : in cb.CallBack.Ref; -- line 22
       mesg : in CORBA.String);


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