[PolyORB-users] Re: GNAT-GPL PolyORB 1.3r Red Hat 8.0 & 9.0

Jerome Hugues hugues.jerome at gmail.com
Sat Feb 18 23:07:40 CET 2006

Anh Vo a écrit :
> I figured out what the problem. The problem is that /usr/bin/gnatgcc,
> older version of gnat-3.2, is used instead of gnat-gpl. There are two
> to fix this problem. First, change the two lines in Makefile
> NATIVE_ADA="gnatgcc"
> CROSS_ADA="gnatgcc"
> to
> NATIVE_ADA="gcc"
> CROSS_ADA="gcc"
> Second, create a soft link gnatgcc inside /gnat-gpl/bin pointing gcc
> in the gnat-gpl/bin.  I would prefer the first solution.
> Is there any way to configue the Makefile to use gcc instead of gnatgcc?

Good catch ! please, check out the User's Guide, this should be 
described in section "Compiler, Tools and Run-Time libraries Options"
if the documentation is not clear enough, then I'll update it ;)


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